Restore Server

If you remove a server mistakenly, you can still revert changes back from VirtualMetric Database. First you should connect to your current Microsoft SQL Server instance via SQL Server Management Studio.

SQL Management

  1. Open SQL Server Management Studio.

  2. In the left menu, under VIRTUALMETRICDB, select Tables.

  3. Locate dbo.Host and right-click on it, then choose "Edit Top 200 Rows" from the menu.

  4. Find the RecordStatus column; it will display a value of 4.

  5. Change the RecordStatus value to 1 to set the server status as Active.

IIS Manager

You must restart application pool of VirtualMetric API via IIS Manager to apply server restore.

  1. Open IIS Manager on the VirtualMetric Standalone Server.

  2. In the left menu, click on "Application Pools."

  3. Right-click on "VirtualMetric API" and select "Recycle" to restart the application pool.

  1. After the application pool restarts, return to the Server Management screen.

  2. On the Server Management screen, click the Refresh button (represented by a circular arrow icon) in the upper-right section.

  3. You will see that the server entry is once again restored in the Server List.

Note: After an accidental removal, you have a 15-minute window to restore the server. If you don't restore it within this time frame, the VirtualMetric Cleanup Job will permanently remove the server.

Last updated