Add new Action

Before creating Action, you should create a new Action entry.

1. Click to Actions on the left pane.

2. On Knowledge Base Management screen, click Add (+) button on the right top section.

3. Select Action Type

4. Fields will change based on action type and service provider.


Refer to the following table to understand the fields in the above screen.


Refer to the following table to understand the fields in the above screen.


Refer to the following table to understand the fields in the above screen.

SMS Providers

This fields are the same for all of the sms providers which are clickatell, messagebird, istanbulbt, verimor, fastsms, jetsms, turatelsms

Refer to the following table to understand the fields in the above screen.


Refer to the following table to understand the fields in the above screen.


Refer to the following table to understand the fields in the above screen.


1. You can get a new integration key from your PagerDuty account.

2. Go to services section on the PagerDuty.

3. Click on one of your services that you want to make integration.

4. Click on the Integrations section and click to New Integration button.

5. Give an integration name, choose Use our API directly option and select Events API v2 from the list. Click on Add Integration button to complete the task.

6. Now you will see your Integration Key in the Integrations section.


Refer to the following table to understand the fields in the above screen.

1. You can get endpoint id and the routing key from your VictorOps account.

2. Go to settings section on the VictorOps.

3. Click on Alert Behavior and then click on the Integrations button.

4. Click on the Rest {Generic} button.

5. Click on Enable Integration button to complete the task.

6. Now you will see your Endpoint ID in the URL to notify section.

7. Now click on the Routing Keys button.

8. You will see your routing keys. You may use one of them or you can create new one by clicking on Add Key button.

9. Type your new routing key, type an escalation policy and save changes. In this example, your routing key is VirtualMetric.


Refer to the following table to understand the fields in the above screen.

You can get caller id from your ServiceNow instance.

1. Go to user management page on the ServiceNow. Click on the user that you want to use as Caller.

2. Click on Copy sys_id button to copy and get Caller ID.


Refer to the following table to understand the fields in the above screen.

You can get api key from your OpsGenie account.

1. Go to integrations section on the OpsGenie.

2. Click on API button.

3. Type the integration name, copy api key and click on the Save Integration button.


Refer to the following table to understand the fields in the above screen.

You can get these details from your xMatters account.

1. Go to developer section on the xMatters and click on the Communication Plans option. Click on your Communication Plan in the list view.

2. Click on Edit button and select Integration Builder option.

3. On the Inbound Integration, click on the Add button.

4. Select URL Authentication, fill the form and click on the Add Inbound Integration button.

5. Copy your Integration URL, and click on the View Instructions button.

6. Take a note of the fields names and close the modal.


Refer to the following table to understand the fields in the above screen.

You can get API Url from your AlertOps account.

1. Click on the Inbound Integrations on the left menu.

2. Click Add Web API Integration button on the right.

3. Select Custom from the list.

4. Fill the required fields and click on the Advanced Settings tab.

5. This is how you should fill the fields on mapping. After that, click on Generate URL to get your API URL.

6. Click on the Save Changes button to complete this task.


Refer to the following table to understand the fields in the above screen.


Refer to the following table to understand the fields in the above screen.


Refer to the following table to understand the fields in the above screen.


Refer to the following table to understand the fields in the above screen.

You can get integration key from your Slack account.

1. Go to App section on the left and click + button.

2. Search for webhook and click on the Install button of the Incoming WebHooks.

3. Click on the Add Configuration button.

4. Choose a channel and click on Add Incoming WebHooks Integration button to complete the task.

5. Now you will see your Integration Key in the Webhook URL section.


Refer to the following table to understand the fields in the above screen.

You can get token and the room id from your HipChat account.

1. Open the room actions menu, click on Tokens button, then create a new room token.

2. Open the room actions on the menu, click on the room you created. It will show you the API ID which is your room ID.


Refer to the following table to understand the fields in the above screen.

You can get token, site id and the room id from your Stride account.

1. Go to App section on the right and click Add an app button.

2. Click on the Connect your app button.

3. Type token name, choose chat room and click on the Create button.

4. Copy integration token, site id and room id, then click Done button to complete the task.

Microsoft Teams

Refer to the following table to understand the fields in the above screen.

You can get Webhook URL from your Microsoft Teams account.

1. Go to Store section on the left menu.

2. Search for webhook and click on the Incoming WebHook.

3. Choose a channel and click on the Set Up button.

4. Type name and click on the Create button to complete the task.

5. Now you will see your Webhook URL in the section. Click on the Done button to close the window.


Refer to the following table to understand the fields in the above screen.

You can get Webhook URL from your Flock account.

1. Go to Apps section on the right menu.

2. Click on the Build Apps menu on the top frame.

3. Click on the Webhook menu on the left frame.

4. Click on the Add button of Incoming WebHook.

5. Choose a channel, type name and click on the Save and Generate URL button to complete the task.

6. Now you will see your Webhook URL in the window. Click on the X button to close the window.


Refer to the following table to understand the fields in the above screen.

Last updated