Add new TCP

Before start monitoring TCP, you should create a new TCP entry.

1. Click to TCP on the left pane.

2. On TCP Management screen, click Add (+) button on the right top section.

3. You will get the fields as follows.

Refer to the following table to understand the fields in the above screen.



A label or name that is assigned to a TCP.

IP Address

The numerical label assigned to each device connected to a computer network is called an "IP address." An IP address is typically represented in the format XXX.XXX.XXX.XX, where each "XXX" is a number ranging from 0 to 255, and the "XX" is a similar two-digit number. IP addresses are used to uniquely identify and locate devices on a network.


You may want to assign the servers to a custom Trigger if target server is in an Isolated network or if you want to setup a scalable infrastructure. You will only see available Triggers in this field.


A specific endpoint for data exchange between two devices or applications within a network.

Stats Interval

This option defines frequency of Monitoring Collector. Monitoring Collector is responsible for:

· Collecting all performance counters results

· Collecting Event Logs

· Collecting TCP Connections


To choose debug such as:

· Off

· Inventory: Only collects debug logs for Inventory Collector

· Monitoring: Only collects debug logs for Monitoring Collector

· On: Collects debug logs for Inventory and Monitoring Collector


To choose a server status such as:

· Active: Enables monitoring for server

· Maintenance: Enables maintenance mode for server and disables all notifications

· Reconnect: Restarts all collectors for server

· Disabled: Disables monitoring for server

Logging Type

Logging Levels determine the frequency at which statistic queries occur, the length of time statistical data is stored in the database and the type of statistical data that is collected.

4. After entering all the required info, click the button SUBMIT.

Last updated